..........A little blog about the little things in life..........

Saturday, February 27, 2010

There was a break in the rain this morning so I grabbed my camera and went out back to see if there were any photo ops.  Got down on my knees to try to capture some close-ups of different plants in the yard.  (I may have to start taking my husband along with me to help me get up!)

Click to "enbiggen"  (that's a technical term)


Kath said...

These photos are just wonderful so delicate, you must have a very good camera, DAnna.

DAnna said...

Thanks, Kath. My newest camera is a Nikon D60. I "upgraded" to a SLR about a year ago, but basically still shoot everything on "automatic". The lens that came with it does pretty well for up close shots and then I crop.

BB said...

Gorgeous shots DAnna - and thanks for joining my posse!!