..........A little blog about the little things in life..........

Friday, July 24, 2009

Some July Photos

Tom's sister, Phoebe, dropped by for a visit a week or so ago. She and her husband live in Silver City, New Mexico. Her daughter, Jennifer, lives in Grover Beach, California, which is about 45 minutes away from where we live, so when she visits Jennifer, she drops by to see us, too.

Jennifer, Mom, Tom and Phoebe

We have been lucky enough to see a pair of orioles in our yard - they come to the humming bird feeder in the late afternoons. They normally don't hang around this area, but seem to like our yard this year! We're happy to have them and hope they stay all summer.

And we always enjoy seeing the deer - even though they eat our plants! This young buck already seems to have a girl friend. But why not, he's certainly handsome!

A perfect July sunset

1 comment:

Kath said...

What lovely photos, I particularly liked the oriole birds. How come your birds are so much more colourful than British birds :)
Aren't those deer elegant? Kath x